How should I store my juices, and how long do they last?
Always keep your juices refrigerated. When properly refrigerated our juices and nut milks last between 3 to 4 days, your bottle will be labeled with their best before date. Our products are raw and because of this keeping them cold is vital in maintaining their freshness, quality and safety.

How do I place an order?
You can place an order through our Facebook page, email, or through calling/text all information ca be find on our Contact Me page

What should I do with my empty bottles?
We do take the bottles back when you are finished with them, minus the caps. We do ask that you rinse your bottles before returning them please.

Your prices are kind of expensive, why is that?
It takes a lot of product and is very labour intensive process to make just 1 juice. It takes roughly 2lbs of raw produce to fill a 500ml bottle.

We use glass bottles, and glass is more expensive then plastic, but we prefer it because of the environmental, health and taste reasons.

Are your juices high in sugar?
Processed juices you find in the grocery store contain little to no nutritional/natural benefits of the fruit and vegetables that they are made from, but all of the sugar and then some!

Our juices contain only naturally occurring sugars that are extracted from the ingredients and are accompanied by the live enzymes, antioxidants and other nutrients that you would get from eating the raw fruit or vegetable, which offers you much more then a sugar rush!

Can I use your juices as a meal replacement?
Juices can be consumed whenever the mood strikes you. First thing in the morning, or when you need that 3pm pick me up.

Incorporating juices into your daily routine will help to keep you healthy, balanced and energized. Juicing is a personal decision and only you know you, so incorporate juices as you see fit.

We do not promote replacing food with juices all together – you need Fat, Protein and Fibre! However, if you’re looking to detoxify, break bad habits, kick start a healthy diet, reset your digestive system the try one of our cleanses!

Your juices are 500ml, how much should I drink?
This is a personal choice, we consume them in several ways, all at once, spread throughout the day or even over a couple of days, the choice is yours.